What is
The Love Offensive?
Hi! I’m Tara and The Love Offensive is the soul child of the things that have brought meaning to my life and taught me what it is to be human: yoga, photography, world travel, and good people. In short, it’s about connection.
How we got here…
My mom had Parkinson’s Disease for 27 years before she finally died on September 20th, 2020. Through the incredibly painful experience of a lifetime watching my strong mom lose her ability to use her body I have found a genuine and deep gratitude for being able to live and move with freedom and strength. The reason I teach yoga, and why I teach with the passion I do, is in honor of my mom.
“This amazing studio is a work of art, a labour of love and place that I know will inspire you just as it has inspired me! The studio is truly beautiful, but the real magic lies with its owner and fearless leader Tara Morris. Tara’s teaching style is honest, open, and tough. You will sweat, cry and laugh. She will remind you to be the best version of yourself, that everything you need in this life resides inside of you, and maybe most importantly, that you are the luckiest person in the world. A truly transformational space and person and experience. Namaste!! ”